Cher at KSAA-CAD 2024: Compressing Words and Definitions into the Same Space for Arabic Reverse Dictionary

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao, Shun Shao

Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP) 2024

This paper describes Team Cher's submission to the ArabicNLP 2024 KSAA-CAD shared task on reverse dictionary for Arabic uses a multi-task learning framework that combines reverse dictionary, definition generation, and reconstruction tasks. This method, which examines various tokenization strategies and embedding architectures, achieves strong results using only the provided training data.

Cher at KSAA-CAD 2024: Compressing Words and Definitions into the Same Space for Arabic Reverse Dictionary
Cher at KSAA-CAD 2024: Compressing Words and Definitions into the Same Space for Arabic Reverse Dictionary

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao, Shun Shao

Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP) 2024

This paper describes Team Cher's submission to the ArabicNLP 2024 KSAA-CAD shared task on reverse dictionary for Arabic uses a multi-task learning framework that combines reverse dictionary, definition generation, and reconstruction tasks. This method, which examines various tokenization strategies and embedding architectures, achieves strong results using only the provided training data.

Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment
Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment

Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo Ponti, Shay Cohen

arXiv 2024

We introduce Spectral Editing of Activations (SEA), a novel inference-time method to adjust large language models' internal representations, improving truthfulness and reducing bias. SEA projects input representations to align with positive examples while minimizing alignment with negatives, showing superior effectiveness, generalization, and efficiency compared to existing methods with minimal impact on other model capabilities.

Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment
Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment

Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo Ponti, Shay Cohen

arXiv 2024

We introduce Spectral Editing of Activations (SEA), a novel inference-time method to adjust large language models' internal representations, improving truthfulness and reducing bias. SEA projects input representations to align with positive examples while minimizing alignment with negatives, showing superior effectiveness, generalization, and efficiency compared to existing methods with minimal impact on other model capabilities.

Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Large Language Models through Contrastive Decoding
Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Large Language Models through Contrastive Decoding

Zheng Zhao, Emilio Monti, Jens Lehmann, Haytham Assem

NAACL 2024 Oral

This work introduces a novel approach integrating contrastive decoding with adversarial irrelevant passages as negative samples to enhance robust context grounding during generation and operates at inference time without requiring further training.

Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Large Language Models through Contrastive Decoding
Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Large Language Models through Contrastive Decoding

Zheng Zhao, Emilio Monti, Jens Lehmann, Haytham Assem

NAACL 2024 Oral

This work introduces a novel approach integrating contrastive decoding with adversarial irrelevant passages as negative samples to enhance robust context grounding during generation and operates at inference time without requiring further training.

Are Large Language Models Temporally Grounded?
Are Large Language Models Temporally Grounded?

Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo Ponti, Shay Cohen

NAACL 2024

We assess whether Large Language Models (LLMs) like LLaMA 2 and GPT-4 have a coherent temporal understanding by evaluating their common-sense knowledge of event structure, ordering, and self-consistency. Our findings reveal that LLMs perform significantly worse than humans and specialized models, struggle with self-consistency, and show limited improvement with larger sizes or advanced techniques. We conclude that current LLMs lack a consistent temporal model, partly due to weak temporal information in their training data.

Are Large Language Models Temporally Grounded?
Are Large Language Models Temporally Grounded?

Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo Ponti, Shay Cohen

NAACL 2024

We assess whether Large Language Models (LLMs) like LLaMA 2 and GPT-4 have a coherent temporal understanding by evaluating their common-sense knowledge of event structure, ordering, and self-consistency. Our findings reveal that LLMs perform significantly worse than humans and specialized models, struggle with self-consistency, and show limited improvement with larger sizes or advanced techniques. We conclude that current LLMs lack a consistent temporal model, partly due to weak temporal information in their training data.

CivilSum: A Dataset for Abstractive Summarization of Indian Court Decisions
CivilSum: A Dataset for Abstractive Summarization of Indian Court Decisions

Manuj Malik*, Zheng Zhao*, Marcio Fonseca*, Shrisha Rao, Shay Cohen (* equal contribution)

SIGIR 2024

We present CivilSum, a dataset of 23,350 legal case decisions from Indian courts with human-written abstractive summaries, offering a challenging benchmark for legal summarization. Our analysis highlights that crucial content often appears at the end of documents, underscoring the need for effective long-sequence modeling in summarization.

CivilSum: A Dataset for Abstractive Summarization of Indian Court Decisions
CivilSum: A Dataset for Abstractive Summarization of Indian Court Decisions

Manuj Malik*, Zheng Zhao*, Marcio Fonseca*, Shrisha Rao, Shay Cohen (* equal contribution)

SIGIR 2024

We present CivilSum, a dataset of 23,350 legal case decisions from Indian courts with human-written abstractive summaries, offering a challenging benchmark for legal summarization. Our analysis highlights that crucial content often appears at the end of documents, underscoring the need for effective long-sequence modeling in summarization.


PMIndiaSum: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Headline Summarization for Languages in India
PMIndiaSum: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Headline Summarization for Languages in India

Ashok Urlana*, Pinzhen Chen*, Zheng Zhao, Shay Cohen, Manish Shrivastava, Barry Haddow (* equal contribution)

EMNLP (Findings) 2023

We introduce PMIndiaSum, a massively parallel and multilingual summarization corpus for Indian languages, covering 14 languages and 196 language pairs. We detail our data construction process and provide benchmarks for various summarization methods, demonstrating the dataset's significant impact on Indian language summarization.

PMIndiaSum: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Headline Summarization for Languages in India
PMIndiaSum: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Headline Summarization for Languages in India

Ashok Urlana*, Pinzhen Chen*, Zheng Zhao, Shay Cohen, Manish Shrivastava, Barry Haddow (* equal contribution)

EMNLP (Findings) 2023

We introduce PMIndiaSum, a massively parallel and multilingual summarization corpus for Indian languages, covering 14 languages and 196 language pairs. We detail our data construction process and provide benchmarks for various summarization methods, demonstrating the dataset's significant impact on Indian language summarization.

A Joint Matrix Factorization Analysis of Multilingual Representations
A Joint Matrix Factorization Analysis of Multilingual Representations

Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Bonnie Webber, Shay Cohen

EMNLP (Findings) 2023

This work presents an analysis tool based on joint matrix factorization for comparing latent representations of multilingual and monolingual models, and finds the factorization outputs exhibit strong associations with performance observed across different cross-lingual tasks.

A Joint Matrix Factorization Analysis of Multilingual Representations
A Joint Matrix Factorization Analysis of Multilingual Representations

Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Bonnie Webber, Shay Cohen

EMNLP (Findings) 2023

This work presents an analysis tool based on joint matrix factorization for comparing latent representations of multilingual and monolingual models, and finds the factorization outputs exhibit strong associations with performance observed across different cross-lingual tasks.


Understanding Domain Learning in Language Models Through Subpopulation Analysis
Understanding Domain Learning in Language Models Through Subpopulation Analysis

Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Shay Cohen

BlackboxNLP 2022

We examine how different domains are represented in neural network architectures, focusing on the relationship between domains, model size, and training data. Using subpopulation analysis with SVCCA on Transformer-based language models, we compare models trained on multiple domains versus a single domain. Our findings show that increasing model capacity differently affects domain information storage in upper and lower layers, with larger models embedding domain-specific information similarly to separate smaller models.

Understanding Domain Learning in Language Models Through Subpopulation Analysis
Understanding Domain Learning in Language Models Through Subpopulation Analysis

Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Shay Cohen

BlackboxNLP 2022

We examine how different domains are represented in neural network architectures, focusing on the relationship between domains, model size, and training data. Using subpopulation analysis with SVCCA on Transformer-based language models, we compare models trained on multiple domains versus a single domain. Our findings show that increasing model capacity differently affects domain information storage in upper and lower layers, with larger models embedding domain-specific information similarly to separate smaller models.

A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling
A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao


We developed a dual-way neural dictionary that retrieves words from definitions and generates definitions for words, learning both tasks simultaneously using shared embeddings. Our model performs well on benchmarks and is preferred by human evaluators, demonstrating its practical effectiveness and the benefits of multiple learning objectives.

A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling
A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao


We developed a dual-way neural dictionary that retrieves words from definitions and generates definitions for words, learning both tasks simultaneously using shared embeddings. Our model performs well on benchmarks and is preferred by human evaluators, demonstrating its practical effectiveness and the benefits of multiple learning objectives.

To Adapt or to Fine-tune: A Case Study on Abstractive Summarization

Zheng Zhao#, Pinzhen Chen (# corresponding author)

Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (CCL) 2022

In this work, multifaceted investigations on fine-tuning and adapters for summarization tasks with varying complexity: language, domain, and task transfer provide insights on multilinguality, model convergence, and robustness, hoping to shed light on the pragmatic choice of fine-tuning or adapters in abstractive summarization.

To Adapt or to Fine-tune: A Case Study on Abstractive Summarization
To Adapt or to Fine-tune: A Case Study on Abstractive Summarization

Zheng Zhao#, Pinzhen Chen (# corresponding author)

Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (CCL) 2022

In this work, multifaceted investigations on fine-tuning and adapters for summarization tasks with varying complexity: language, domain, and task transfer provide insights on multilinguality, model convergence, and robustness, hoping to shed light on the pragmatic choice of fine-tuning or adapters in abstractive summarization.

Edinburgh at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Jointly Fishing for Word Embeddings and Definitions

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao

International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) 2022 Honourable Mention for Best System Paper

This paper describes a winning entry for the SemEval 2022 Task 1 on reverse dictionary and definition modeling, using a unified model with multi-task training. The system performs consistently across languages, excelling with sgns embeddings, but reveals that definition generation quality remains challenging and BLEU scores may be misleading.

Edinburgh at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Jointly Fishing for Word Embeddings and Definitions
Edinburgh at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Jointly Fishing for Word Embeddings and Definitions

Pinzhen Chen, Zheng Zhao

International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) 2022 Honourable Mention for Best System Paper

This paper describes a winning entry for the SemEval 2022 Task 1 on reverse dictionary and definition modeling, using a unified model with multi-task training. The system performs consistently across languages, excelling with sgns embeddings, but reveals that definition generation quality remains challenging and BLEU scores may be misleading.


Revisiting Shallow Discourse Parsing in the PDTB-3: Handling Intra-sentential Implicits

Zheng Zhao, Bonnie Webber

Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) 2021

In PDTB-3, thousands of new implicit discourse relations were annotated within sentences, complicating the task of identifying their locations and senses compared to inter-sentential implicits. This paper analyzes model performance in this context, highlighting results, limitations, and future research directions.

Revisiting Shallow Discourse Parsing in the PDTB-3: Handling Intra-sentential Implicits
Revisiting Shallow Discourse Parsing in the PDTB-3: Handling Intra-sentential Implicits

Zheng Zhao, Bonnie Webber

Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) 2021

In PDTB-3, thousands of new implicit discourse relations were annotated within sentences, complicating the task of identifying their locations and senses compared to inter-sentential implicits. This paper analyzes model performance in this context, highlighting results, limitations, and future research directions.


Extending Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition to the PDTB-3

Li Liang, Zheng Zhao, Bonnie Webber

Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) 2020

This work presents data to support the claim that the PDTB-3 contains many more implicit discourse relations, and methods that can serve as a non-trivial baseline for future state-of-the-art recognizers for implicit discourse relations.

Extending Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition to the PDTB-3
Extending Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition to the PDTB-3

Li Liang, Zheng Zhao, Bonnie Webber

Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) 2020

This work presents data to support the claim that the PDTB-3 contains many more implicit discourse relations, and methods that can serve as a non-trivial baseline for future state-of-the-art recognizers for implicit discourse relations.

Reducing Quantity Hallucinations in Abstractive Summarization
Reducing Quantity Hallucinations in Abstractive Summarization

Zheng Zhao, Shay Cohen, Bonnie Webber

EMNLP (Findings) 2020

Abstractive summaries often hallucinate unsupported content, but our system, Herman, mitigates this by verifying specific entities like dates and numbers, improving summary accuracy and earning higher ROUGE scores and human preference.

Reducing Quantity Hallucinations in Abstractive Summarization
Reducing Quantity Hallucinations in Abstractive Summarization

Zheng Zhao, Shay Cohen, Bonnie Webber

EMNLP (Findings) 2020

Abstractive summaries often hallucinate unsupported content, but our system, Herman, mitigates this by verifying specific entities like dates and numbers, improving summary accuracy and earning higher ROUGE scores and human preference.